This BMW's pr0ud front  wings sweep rearward with the dash of a destr0yer's hull.Arguably more a b0ulevardier than a serious race-bred sp0rts car the,
507 was designed by the independent c0nsultant,C0unt Albrecht G0erts and was 0ffered f0r the limited numbers f0r just three years.It' c0mpetitions was a legendary Mercedes-Benz 300-SL Gullwing.With just 254 unit pr0duced,the 507 was rarer  than the Gullwing,then and now.It's pushr0d 3.2-liter V8 was the first pr0ducti0n V8 with the aluminum bl0ck and heads.At a then $9000,the 507 was d0uble the price of the c0ntemporary Cadillack and m0re expensive than a Gullwing.BMW advertising f0r the car sh0wed a gentleman in a white dinner jacket inviting an elegant w0men to go for a spin.It made no menti0n of the fact that is this sleek roadster could nip at 140-mph.Today  56-years after a 507 debut,the car's slim silhouette,cinched waist,arced fenders and dramatically raked windscreen all spell elegance and adventure.It's estimated 250 BMW507's exist today.Hit a lottery to get this immortals.
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